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What Kind Of Material Is The Desk In General?
Release time:2021-03-15 16:20:56      Number of hits:389

Children’s furniture should be distinguished from adult furniture. Due to the characteristics of children, when choosing desks and chairs for children, the size of desks and desks and chairs should be combined with the children’s height, age and body shape, which is beneficial to their healthy growth and avoid Children's use of unsuitable tables and chairs can cause hunchback or myopia, which affects their growth and development.

1. Choose a desk with arc treatment at the corner

The depth of the arc and the position of the two sides of the arc will directly affect the suitability of the child in learning. You should sit on a chair and feel whether the arc can bring you a sense of suitability and whether it is hindered when you turn around.

2. Choose a desk with one-piece bookshelf

3. Choose a desktop made of thick solid plates

The solid plate has good bearing capacity, because the desk top is often placed on the computer and the bookshelf, so the bearing capacity of the countertop is very important. Knock on the table top with your hands. If the sound is crisp and thick, the table top is made of solid plates.

4. Choose a desktop that is easy to wipe and clean

Many children like to scribble on the desktop. When we buy a children’s desk, we must pay special attention to this problem. Ask the shopping guide about the situation of the desktop. If the shopping guide says that things such as paint can be easily erased, you can Ask the shopping guide to demonstrate on-site. Such desks are more durable and don't need to be refurbished frequently.

5. Choose a desk with a stable structure

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